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The Petty Archives

Hey Petty people,

First off, happy birthday to Stan Lynch, who turns 63 today! As well, if you've got $5 million squirreled away in a mattress or something, Tom Petty's former Encino house is on the market. I wouldn't mind living in it. Think they'll take an IOU?

Anyways, onto the Weekly Wrap-Up!

Follow-up: In last week's wrap-up, I mentioned a surprise involving collectibles and memorabilia. We're in the finalization stage of that. Expect an update soon!

Tour Dates: We've been filling out the Tour Dates and Setlists pages. Keep an eye on the page. It's filling out.

Newspapers: Going through some newspaper archives, found some interesting articles - including an early interview with Tom!

That's about it for now.  I'll see you again next week.

- Aimee

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