Hey Petty people,

Aimee here. Some of you probably remember me as the original founder of the Archives, and hopefully some of you will be glad to see me back (with a bit less temper too). If we haven't been acquainted before, pleased to meet you.

Anyways, not long ago Liberty contacted me because the Archives was continually going down. I drilled into the grimy inner workings of the site, tweaked a config setting here, examined some logs there—and the results weren't exactly what you'd call optimistic. The site was bursting apart at its seams.

The same as when I started it seven years prior (can't believe it's been that long, to be honest) it was running on WordPress. Which actually is a pretty decent platform (and I would still recommend it), except that it's more geared towards blogs and smaller websites—not the sprawling behemoth of a website the Archives had become. So after some talking, searching, talking, comparing, and even more talking—well, I'm not quite masochistic enough to try Drupal just yet, so Joomla! seemed the best choice for this kind of thing. And to be honest, I've been wanting to try it out.

I'm not sure at what point exactly it passed from helping with the technical details of the site transfer to actually returning to the Archives as one of the admins, but I'll be sticking around for the time being. Over the last few years, I've actually forgotten how much I love Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Until Tom's death, that is. 

Welcome to the third version of the Petty Archives. (Or the fourth version? After my first webhost went defunct, I relaunched the site as the Archives 2.0. So when I handed it over to Liberty, that would've been the third version. Maybe 3.5?).

So, what's new? Well, if you want to get to the technical details, we have HTML5, better page caching, HTTPS support (thanks, Cloudflare!), and a responsive layout that shouldn't look too shabby on mobile devices. But I'm pretty sure you guys didn't really come here to hear about page caching, so we've got other things too. On our Facebook page, Liberty will be doing Trivia Tuesdays and Friday Flashbacks. We have a {modal url="https://discordapp.com/widget?id=430104351915114496&theme=dark" width="300" height="500" iframe="true"}Discord server{/modal} if you want to come chat with us some. 

And the Archives themselves? Well, I still have a backlog of untyped articles from when I gave up the site, and I've added more since to it. And Liberty's since acquired two new magazines. So expect to see more of that too. 

It took a while to get the site back up and running, and as a certain man we all know and love once said, "the waiting is the hardest part." But the waiting is over, and I hope you like what you see.


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