Rock/Pop Records: Damn! Submerged in anonymity
By Vaughn Palmer
The Vancouver Sun - Friday, November 30, 1979
Damn the Torpedoes/Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (Backstreet). This guy does not deserve to languish on two-bit record labels. Petty's first two records (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and You're Gonna Get It), among the best albums released in the late '70s, suffered from under-exposure and under-promotion.
Bankruptcy brought the Floridan a new label, but alas it is a division of MCA which has a spotty track record (Elton John excepted) and which recently folded its spanking new Infinity label.
So Petty's third, Damn the Torpedoes, will probably go unnoticed, except by those who are determined to ferret out the best damn Byrds-style rock and roll since the Byrds. Which this is -- again.