Editor’s Note: This is an Icelandic article and my translation of it. If you actually know Icelandic and would like to improve it, please contact me.
Original Icelandic:
Vísir - 13. júní 1981
Nýjar Plötur
Gunnar Salvarsson skrifar:
Hard Promises — Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers/BSR-5160 | 8,0
A sfðasta ári sendi Tom Petty frá sér plötuna „Damn The Torphedos" sem af flest-um var talin afbragðs plata. Það er alltaf svo að hljómlist-armönnum reynist erfitt að fylgja metsöluplötu eftir á sannfærandihátt, oft er skotið yfir markið i þvi augnamiði að þjóna plötukaupendum. Tom Petty brennir sig ekki á þessu, ef eitthvað er þarf þessi plata itarlegri hlustun en hin. Hins vegar hefur Petty skipt niður I fyrsta gir og ef til vill sakna aðdáendur hans kröftuga rokksins. Mér hefur ætli fundist Petty dálitið mistækur þó oftast takist honum vel upp, — og mér heyrist hann misstiga sig dálitið i nokkrum lögum á nýju plötunni. Byrdstfllinn er pinulitið yfirþyrmandi á köfl-um, en við flest lög á plötunni má bærilega una. Og nokkrar perlur finnast ef grannt er hlustað.
English translation:
New Albums
by Gunnar Salvarsson
Hard Promises -- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers/BSR-5160 | 8.0
Last year from Tom Petty, we heard the album "Damn The Torpedoes," which was considered by most to be an excellent album. It is always so in music that it is difficult to follow a best-selling album, which is often shot over the goal to serve the record buyers. Tom Petty burns himself up on this, if something is needed on that album for the advanced listeners. However, Petty is divided into first gear and maybe his powerful rock is missed by fans. I have found Petty maybe a bit erratic, however, most will take it up -- and he missed his step in a few tracks of the album. Byrdsian is a little overwhelming at times, but most of the songs on the album are acceptable comparisons. And if carefully heard, some gems can be found.