The Petty Archives

Albums with noteable music
Review by Michele Courtright
Northern Iowan - January 18, 1983

Long After Dark
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' latest album, Long After Dark features the unmistakable rock style that made previous albums popular. The simple lyrics sung by Petty present a simple, realistic view of life which matches the group's style.

Side one opens with "A One Story Town," an easy, flowing rock sound with Petty's usual fast-paced lyrics and wailing voice. The hit "You Got Lucky" follows, another good combination of vocals and instrumentation.

Next, "Deliver Me" has possibilities as a single with its contrasts between fast and slower moments. "Change of Heart" and "Finding Out" complete the side following the established rock pace.

Side two begins with "We Stand a Chance" which makes use of an organ. This spunky tune also demonstrates possibility as a single. Side two is completed at a slightly calmer face with "Straight into Darkness," the nostalgic "The Same Old You," and "Between Two Worlds."

Long After Dark runs strong in instrumentation, vocals and lyrics. Petty's style produces some similarity between songs, but overall the album is recommended for rock fans.