The Petty Archives

The Best and Worst of the '90s
University of Washington Ledger - April 14, 1999

As humanity is unmercifully thrust into the new millennium, we, the staff at The Ledger, felt it out duty to recap some of the best and worst of the '90s. Part of this is for you the reader but really we are just using it as an excuse to pipe off again and you are forced to listen to us (we're Liberal Arts students, we can't help it). So here is out gift to you, the best and worst movies CD's, and songs of the '90s. Each selection was carefully scrutinized, probably unfairly, yet the votes are in. Without further adieu we now present our choices for best and worst of the '90s.

Best CDs
Tom Petty, Wildflowers- Petty holds a well full of never ending original lyrics and music. Some bands make it big after their first CD, but are never to be heard from again. Petty, on the other hand, has distinguished himself from these one hit wonders.