Nudist Group: 'Tom Petty: We Want You ... Naked"
NCBuy - October 8, 2002

Kissimmee, FL -- Members of a nudist group says they want to take off their hats -- not to mention the rest of their clothes -- to Tom Petty.

Erich Shuttauf of the American Association for Nude Recreation says his organization is overjoyed Petty has been telling talk show hosts like Katie Couric that his new record, "The Last DJ," "is perfect for dancing naked around the house."

Shuttauf says because of this, the AANR is offering an open invitation for "nude-recreation-friendly" Petty to play at an upcoming meeting of the board of trustees Nov. 19-23.

Members would be delighted if Petty played -- especially in the nude -- but if he can't make it, he's invited to any other club sanctioned event he'd wish to attend.

Also, Shuttauf says it's personal for him, because he's been "dancing naked to Petty in his own bedroom since high school."

Petty's "The Last DJ" hits stores today (Oct. 8).