Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Steve Winwood
By Jen Paulson
Dallas Observer - August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, at American Airlines Center
While Petty and the Heartbreakers are the major selling point of this show, Steve Winwood has his own place in rock history.
His work in bands including the Spencer Davis Group, Traffic, and Blind Faith, and his big-time light-rock output in the ’80s, have made him a household name. Now, with a new album out, he’s taking it on the road with the main man: Petty, of course.
Petty, meanwhile, doesn’t always get the credit he deserves as a crafty tunesmith. Sometimes, after you’ve forgotten just how much you love his music, you put on one of his records and remember why you fell for it: his to-the-point lyricism and raw, genuine human emotion. It’s a big deal—there’s something to be said for a rock legend that makes you all cozy-hearted just by the very sound of his warm drawl—and it all comes together on this bill.